
Update: Wynn and tumblr

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I have now given Wynn her own tumblr for her to follow blogs and check out their pictures (she only cares about the pictures and GIFs, really). However, she will not be posting anything at all, and I’ll make sure she only follows safe blogs and sticks to only checking her dash and nothing more. I’ve also disabled the “submit” and “ask” functions.

I feel like it’s a good compromise, she can look at pretty things and be happy and inspired, but still be safe. I still have some thinking to do regarding her posting stuff, because she is really into fashion and wants to show the world her clothes and stuff but I’m afraid of people being mean to her. We’ll see what I come up with, perhaps we can find a way for her to safely run her own blog but for now I’ll let her post stuff on mine.

When I was a kid and my parents forbid me to do certain things I used to get really annoyed, but now I begin to understand their reasoning.. It’s hard keeping kids both satisfied and safe.

Update: we’re getting a cat

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Our cat arrived the day before yesterday! We still  haven’t decided on a name, but that’s okay. So far he has been hiding under the bed most of the time.. The first night he jumped up on the bed and let us pet him 🙂 But he has gone back into hiding under the bed.. At least he has started to eat all of his meals!

Wynn loves him dearly already and is super excited! And a pretty impatient, but that’s just who she is. 

Yay for pets 🙂

Your opinion on letting Wynn and Phemie run their own blogs?

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I’ve been thinking about letting them run their own blogs, but I’m not really sure. Well, I’m not worries about Phemie, she can handle herself and the internet and she can start her own blog if she wants to (Which I’m not sure she does).

I’m more concerned about Wynn, I know she wants a tumblr so she can look at and reblog pictures animals and cute clothes and stuff, but I’m not sure that it would be safe for her, considering the triggering images and (anon) hate that unfortunately is a part of tumblr. She is not easily triggered, if something pops up she usually just goes back inside, but still. Nothing can be unseen or unheard.  Also, I’m not sure if she would in fact write anything since she doesn’t really speak English or write that much in general. On the other hand, I’m sure she would really enjoy having an outlet for her love of animals and fashion and pretty things. 

There has been a bit of a discussion on tumblr about littles and the internet lately, and I’m not sure where I stand.. Phemie is definitely very protective of our littles and worries about their safety, perhaps she could act as a supervisor?
What do you guys think?